Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014


Individual Task
Lecturer: Hj. Dra. Hamidah Hasan, M. Ed
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NIM : 1203.11.4475
2014 M

Turkey was included in the Middle East region which is located in southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia (that portion west Turkey Bosporus is geographically part of Europe), bordering the Black Sea, between Bulgaria and Georgia, and bordering the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, between Greece and Syria.
a.      English language teaching in Turkey
Education System in Turkey in general can be said to be almost the same as the education system in Indonesia. As for the Turkish national education system consists of two main parts:
1.      Formal Education (Formal Education)
Education formal school system consisting of institutions of preschool education, primary education, secondary education and higher education, as well as education in Indonesia.
2.      Non-formal Education (Non-formal Education)
 In accordance with Accordance with the Basic Law No. 1739 for National Education. Basic Law of National Education of Turkey. Non-formal education includes all activities conducted inside or outside the school.
3.      Pre-school education
Pre-school education is optional education, aims to contribute to the mental, emotional and physical development of children / students to help them acquire good habits (ahklak).  which is emphasized by the time they were still in elementary education. Pre-school education is given in kindergarten, home daycare, nursery classes in primary schools and preparatory classes by various departments and agencies, and the Ministry of National Education of Turkey.
4.      Basic Education
Basic education, providing basic knowledge on children and ensure physical, mental and moral development in accordance with national education goals. Generally consists of education of children in the age group of 6-14 years. Eight years of primary education is compulsory for all Turkish citizens who have reached the age of six years, there are also private schools but are still under state control. However, specific foreign language lessons already started given since 4 years in elementary education.
5.      Secondary Education
Secondary education are classified in two categories of educational institutions, the public high schools and vocational and technical high schools (lycées) where a minimum of three years after the school implemented a basic education.
a.       Secondary Education
Public high schools are educational institutions that prepare students for higher education institutions. They implement a three-year program over and above the basic education, which consists of students in the age group 15-17 years.
b.      Vocational Education
special instruction with the goal of providing quality skills training. Organizations and different periods of instruction of the school. Some of them have a four-year program in this school age is 15-18 years. The purpose of secondary education is to provide students with an introduction to the general culture at the minimum level and prepare them to take responsibility for a democratic society, make them respect for human rights as well as prepare them for higher education or business interests towards a prosperous life.
private secondary schools, have foreign language preparation classes, in accordance with the objectives of education programs, and the combined foreign language education in science and math groups.
c.       higher Education (Higher education)
In Turkey, higher education includes all educational institutions after secondary education, which provides at least two years of higher education and educating students to continue to pursue, bachelor's, master's or doctoral degrees. Institutions of higher education consist of universities, faculties, institutes, higher education schools, conservatories, vocational higher education schools and research centers applications. In Turkey, the escalation of higher education is to achieve a level of proficiency in the era of globalization the world, both in terms of quality and quantity, has been adopted as the primary goal. Plans and programs are made always reflect the perception of the plan itself.
The purpose of higher education is to train the workforce in a system, the principles of contemporary education and training to meet the needs of the State. However university also provided some special education in various fields for students who have completed secondary education. Universities comprising several units are established by the state and by law as a public company having autonomy in teaching and research. In addition, higher education institutions, under the supervision and control of the state, can also be formed by a private foundation in accordance with the procedures and principles set out in the legislation provided that they are non-profit in the world. University is an institution of higher education subject. He has academic autonomy and public legal personality. It is responsible for conducting high-level education, scientific research and publications. Each university consists of faculties and schools four years, the program offers graduate level, the latter with an emphasis vocational and two-year vocational schools that offer associate) level's (pre-bachelor of nature vocational tight. Levels graduate program consists of a master and doctoral programs, coordinated by institutes for graduate study.
England is known for a high standard of Education, English education system has many affects many countries and is home to several well-known universities. Schools in England are generally Christian ideology as the UK is a Christian majority country so that the education system generally also colored by Christianity. Schools are non-Christian ideology as Islamic schools are very rarely found except in big cities like London, Birmingham or Manchester where the number of Muslims is quite a lot. Interestingly, in the country who never mastered the world in the First World War is compulsory education for every person/ school-age children. Not only for British citizens, foreign nationals living in the UK and have school-age children are also obliged to send their children.
a.      English language teaching in England
The Ministry of Education is the government department responsible for issues that affect the lives of many people in England up to the age of 19, including education. Public schools attended by approximately 93% of students in the UK Of the total, there is a minority religious schools, especially Catholic and Church of England schools. Children aged between three and four years attending kindergarten, 4 to 11 years attending primary school, and 11 to 16 years of age attend secondary school. After finishing compulsory education, students follow the GCSE exams. After that they can decide to continue further education for two years. Further education is no separate or fused with the institutions that prepare high school students in A-level exams to get into university.
Although the majority of secondary schools in England are comprehensive schools, in some areas there is also a selective grammar school.
1.       Primary school education
In the UK, children aged 5tahun been obliged to enter his old primary school around 7tahun. At the level of grade one to grade six, educational institutions in the UK are not going to do the test, so that they can continue to the next grade and will get exam only in the seventh grade. Teaching system the teaching of English is based on creativity, which is a lot more practice than just memorize the material.
2.       Education GCSEs or General Certificate of Secondary Education
GCSE education is also known as high school, but started at the age of eleven, and the students will spend time over five years to complete the study at this stage. At the time of his education, then the student will be required to study the core subjects in more depth, and also learn at least one foreign language subjects. In the fourth year the students will be exposed to the tests that we know as GCSEs. The test will be based on the subject have been students, usually around nine or ten topic subjects.
3.       A-Levels at GCSE
After students have GCSE exams, the students who graduate can choose to work or choose to undertake further study. In the process of further studies, the students are required to learn again for about two years to prepare for the A-Level exams before college to advance.
4.       Degree programs
Graduate programs will usually be gone for three years and participants must attend the final exam before proceeding to the post-graduate level or PHD.

a.      A brief of Indonesia
Indonesia is a multicultural nation. It has a population of 210,5 million of which consist of 500 different ethnic group scattered in 30 provinces on 17,500 island (Diknas website, 2004). Many countries in Asia such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Philippine, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor surround Indonesia. To the south part, Australia is the nearest neighboring country of Indonesia. Like other developing countries, Indonesia is considered an agricultural country. Therefore, in the working sector, many people work in the agriculture sector. Indonesia also has natural resources such as oil, nickel, timber and gold. The people of Indonesia have different customs, habits and practices. They are generally polite, religious and respectful to others. Although the people speak more than 300 local languages in daily life, they regard the Indonesian language as their national language. This means that it governance, politics, economics and education, Indonesia language is used.
b.      Education in Indonesia
Indonesia proclaimed its freedom on 17 august 1945. Since then Indonesia has had five presidents. Whenever the government changes, the policy on education also changes. At the beginning of the independence, education was not a primary priority. Security was the area of most concern to the government. When Suharto became the second president, in what was called the “ new era”. The government started to develop the education sector. They started by categorizing the school systems through levels. They are elementary school, junior secondary school, senior school and higher school like university and institute. They also built many schools around Indonesia and recruited many teachers. During 30 years of the “new era”, the government was the sole agent, responsible for all aspects of education. They made the buildings, they provided the teachers, the funds, the textbooks, the curriculum and all the facilities in the schools. The local government in the provinces was only responsible for administration. There was little involvement of the people in the education sector and little support for their work.
Under the “reformation era” in 2000, the government has started to decentralize educational policy. The new policy on education is expected to bring new hope for the provinces, the schools and the society to manage them free from central control. The department of education recognized that there are some major problems with education: the amount number of educated people is still low: the quality of education is also low.
There are two main systems of education in Indonesia. They are school education and informal/ out school education. School education is where the process of learning and teaching is done in the schools systematically and continuously. The students go to study in the schools regularly. The schools like as sekolah dasar or primary school in Australia, sekolah lanjutan tingkat pertama, sekolah menengah or equivalent with secondary school in Australia are regarded as school education. While informal / out school education is a process of teaching and learning that is not done in the formal school described in above example. Since this is the “informal” school, the involvement of society is expected. The aim of these schools is mainly to develop and heighten the student’s skills. Early education, playgroup, and special interest courses are some examples of the informal / out school.
Sekolah dasar or primary school is school for children aged 6 to 7. The students are expected to study at primary school for 6 years. The aim is to give them basic knowledge and prepare them for the next education level.
After spending six years in the primary school, the students then continue to the next education level, which is Junior Secondary High school. At this stage, English has become one of the compulsory subjects. At the end of the study, the students must take the national examination.
Senior secondary school / vocational school (SMU), this is the continuation of previous school. The school is divided into two types. They are high secondary and vocational school. The purpose of this level is to broaden and develop basic knowledge of the students, and also to prepare them to be active in society and work force. The students spend three years to finish their study. When the students are in the 11th grade in the high secondary school, the class is then divided into four main groups. They are physics, biology, social sciences and language. The students’ score and interests determine which groups they belong to. While in the vocational school, the students need to finish the study for 4 years. In this kind of school, the students could develop their talents and skills in preparation for work.
Tertiary education, the next stage of education is university, academy, institute, high school  and polytechnic. The aim of this kind of education is to prepare the students to achieve good academic and professional skills.
c.       English language teaching in Indonesia : past – present
Since independence day, the government of Indonesia has placed English language teaching as one of the compulsory subjects in the schools. The government has played an important role in determining the school curriculum, textbooks, teachers and so on. The government has changed the English curriculum five times.
The first curriculum was introduced in 1945. It was a grammar- translation- based curriculum. During the Dutch occupation of Indonesia, the Dutch educational system had been widely used. When the Dutch surrendered and were forced to leave the country, most of the English teachers also returned home. Due to the limited human and material resources. Only local English teacher stayed and continued the program.
The second curriculum was introduced in 1958, this was an audio- lingual based – curriculum. The next curriculum applied in the Indonesian education in 1975 was the revised new style, audio-lingual based curriculum. This was the first curriculum in the beginning of the “new era”. The government, for the first time, introduced new textbook series for the junior high school (English for the SLTP) and senior high school (English for SLTA). These books become compulsory for the students.
However, 1984 curriculum was still form focused with language structure as dominant feature as shown in the English for junior high school and English for senior high school textbook series in 1988. The structure based communicative curriculum focused on the development of language skills, function and the mastery of vocabulary.
The Department of education then revised the 1984 curriculum with the new curriculum, named the revised meaning based communicative curriculum in 1994. During this time, communicative approach was mostly used in the schools around the world.
The government of Indonesia has put Indonesian language or Bahasa Indonesia as a national and official language since the Independence Day, August 17, 1945. It has become the language of governance, politics, economics, and education. The local language is the second language of the people of Indonesia and preserved in daily life. The third language is foreign language where English has become more popular than any other foreign languages such as German, French, and Dutch. And Chinese.
English is used as an official language or semi official language in over 60 countries, and has a prominent place in a further 20, it is either dominant or well established in all six continents. It is the main language of books, news paper, airports and air- traffic control international business and academic conferences, science, technology, medicine, diplomacy, sports, international competitions, pop music and advertising. Over two –thirds of the world scientists write in English. Of all the information in the world’s electronic retrieval systems, 80 % is stored in English. Over 150 million in 120 countries receive English radio programmers. Over 50 million children study English as an additional language at primary level: over 80 million study it at secondary levels. In any one year, the British council helps a quarter of a million foreign students to learn English, in various parts of the world. In the USA alone. 337,000 foreign students were registered in 1983.
The department of education (1967) stated that the objective of English language teaching in Indonesia was to equip students to read textbooks and references in English, to participate in classes and examinations that involved foreign lecturers and students, and to introduce Indonesian culture in international arenas. The objectives then become the underpinning of the English curriculum in high school for 1975, 1984 and 1994.



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